04 Visual Design for Print and Screen: Typographic Hierarchy
This week’s exercises and readings were intended to help emphasize the importance of typography, and how different typographic elements can be used to emphasize/organize content on a page.
Two new things I learned about this week were leading and kerning, the space between to lines of text and individual letters, respectively. I learned about and experimented with leading for the homework assignment, and was able to understand how leading allows for the emphasis/deemphasis of certain elements on a page. While I did not change any of the kerning in my homework pages, I was able to see examples provided by the authors of the different assigned texts of how spacing between letters can be carefully applied to increase legibility and change the appearance of certain words.
I think that while I enjoyed working with all of the different elements of text characteristics, I mostly enjoyed working with all of them together to create the final example. I felt that for all of the examples that were more restrictive with the elements I was able to change, I kept wanting to change one or two more elements to give the page a clearer hierarchy.
Below, please find my 10 poster iterations: