06: Visual Design For Print and Screen Final
This week, I made a few minor tweaks to the video that I showed last week, and implemented the final version of the “Drown in Champagne” transition.
In the end, I decided not to implement all of the changes that I planned to make last week. Specifically for the “ring in the New Year” animation, I felt that adding two separate animations to one screen would detract from the impact of the most important one (“together”). The other changes that I wanted to make felt unimportant, and I didn’t want to add any bells and whistles where none were needed.
Below is my final version! Overall, I really enjoyed this assignment, and I’d love to working in After Effects more in the future!
After the showcase in class, I decided to do a few revisions:
- Change the “Swim The English Channel Animation” to a wavy text animation instead of constant across-screen movement. This should improve readability and improve the watching experience
- Remove bubbles from “Drown in Champagne” animation. The guest critics seemed to agree that this animation was a little too much for them visually. I really liked the water/wave animation, so to simplify it a bit I removed the bubbles, which I think added a little more noise than they were comfortable with.
- Change the “by the moment they got their car animation” from scrolling completely across the screen to just moving to the middle of the composition. This change in the animation makes the words move slower, and hopefully improves visibility.
After making these changes, I also uploaded my piece to the showcase Google Drive!